Project Katana
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OCTOBER 17, 2016
I find it beautiful, that when all else fails. I can remember my youth. Thea beauty colors and sounds, that inhabit my memories in the form of video games. The sonic wall in Daytona USA. The anime from Sonic Cd, The crack of bones in Virtua Fighter.
OCTOBER 17, 2016
Let's play a play, for one second pretend that nothing matters. Pretend that everything you were taught to think and feel, actually has no meaning. Clean slate your existence. Strip down each memento, while looking beyond a conjured landscape. Deep breakage in a core, where warmth embraces darkened decadence.
OCTOBER 17, 2016
Passing... Breathing... Cause-Effect, absence--hearts growing fonder. Cannon Fodder. Arm Retrieval, more to the point. Bend against the blades of grass fed Iowa Beef . Heart strings, unicorn nightmares. with a mystic mangled atrophy.
OCTOBER 19, 2016
This blessed crime alley, turn to the left turn to the right. Stop for a second, breathe, breathe breathe! More to the point. Become something, great or unusual. Cause or Effect... End scene, corruption at it's core. Mixed signals, mixed drinks. Junkies... Darkness... Night.. Knighthood. Seriously smiling through pain.
OCTOBER 25, 2016
If two words began to empower this world, could those words bring calamity? Do you see the trouble in belief systems... More excuses.. Upon broken instances. Set a game, with a matched point. Burned.... Broken.... Chopped away... Stored for the world to gaze upon. Senseless, hinted alone with thoughts of rapture.
OCTOBER 27, 2016
Spark to the teeth, against shock waves. A sensual apparatus, fenced and broken.... Horrified... Set upon virus infused epiphanies. Snap Judgement... Stop the presses... Moaning, Groaning, Little Scamps, Tattered. Such a loss of brilliance.. Itchy--Tasty--- End Scene.... Journeys fulfilled or Aborted. Shadows played a part in decadent fever dreams..... Room by Room...
OCTOBER 28, 2016
Atemi! Friendship, strike it down... Bamboo shards flustered, misplaced serene... One picked... One accepted.. Another there for vengeance... Dark Arts.. Murderous Acts... Elemental, ways of the fist. Empty hand.. Blood Soaked Orchestras... Look beyond... Find your center... Balance.. Phoenixes---Dragons... Cherry Trees and Blossom.. Triads... A son fatherless... Worlds collide.... Choices--Decisions... Remembering training.. Scars--Red Hair--Jab-Cross-Hook---UPPERCUT!
NOVEMBER 2, 2016
Look beyond... Far beyond... In the reaches of the once was.. This melody, bleeds to a specific eye shade.. Smiles dipped in dreams or fantasies, depending on your power up.. Red or Green.. Her majesty... Her symphony... Beauty withstanding... The clashes of rock against water and water against diamonds.. Lay your pain within me.. Let me heal you, let me save you... It isn't weakness when you have fought so hard...
NOVEMBER 10, 2016
Pretend for one second... Just One... That we have been duped... That we have been condition to think we are different... Separate perception... Separate Cuisine ... Pigment... Lines on maps.... Preferred interpretations of thousand year old pieces of paper.. Our choice of LOVE... Our Choice of LIFE... Our CHOICES.. What if... Those "Choices" are what make us one... What if our FREE WILL makes us PERFECT..
NOVEMBER 6, 2017
Embrace beauty... stop... Embrace intelligence.. stop...Let the world make sense to you even in the darkest of times.. stop... Make moments matter.. stop... Depression.. Suicide.. Happiness... Forced smiles embedding mortality..stop... Move along with the fabric of eternity..stop... Salvation within a dart board.. stop... Moving, breathing, enjoying, crying..stop... Mysteries, unsolved.. Love Unspoken..stop...