NOVEMBER 10, 2016
Pretend for one second... Just One... That we have been duped... That we have been condition to think we are different... Separate perception... Separate Cuisine ... Pigment... Lines on maps.... Preferred interpretations of thousand year old pieces of paper.. Our choice of LOVE... Our Choice of LIFE... Our CHOICES.. What if... Those "Choices" are what make us one... What if our FREE WILL makes us PERFECT.. Forget everything you have been told to believe.... BELIEVE IN MANKIND... We have brought such wonder into this world... Good and Bad, each and everything we have done was because of our FREE WILL... Don't let the past dictate who YOU ARE! Our roads are not paved with uncertainty, unless you allow them TO BE! Love each and every person, regardless of what you haven been taught to believe.... WE ARE ALL WE HAVE... No other species on this planet gives a whopping crap about us... Don't let things separate us... Believe in the wonder... THAT IS MANKIND.....